Gas Rc Airplanes

Friday, August 25, 2006

Gas Rc Airplanes

RC Jet Information for Beginner Pilots by Michael Cottier

RC jets are by far the most exciting and exhilarating of any remote control airplane that a person can fly. Radio controlled jets come in many different sizes, engine types and shapes. The most amazing thing about these toy jets are that they can reach speeds of up to 100 miles per hour! Of course that isn't the average speed for all remote control jets, but it does give you an idea of what you can do in the future when you get to be a more experienced pilot.

So you want to fly RC jets? Well then I can help you by teaching you the basics that you need to know too get started. First off, you need to learn about the different types of RC jets that exist on the market, and what type of engine powers them.

Ducted fan jets are the most popular among hobbyist, and are very easy to fly also. Plus, they are a lot less dangerous, since the propeller and engine is located inside of a duct, which protects adults and children from it. Ducted fan jets also are very quiet and operate smoothly, requiring very little maintenance and fine tuning.

The next type of jet is called pusher jets, and they are much easier, slower and inexpensive then ducted fan jets are. RC pusher jets have a propeller dead center in the back of them that just pushes it along through the air. Plus, with an aerodynamic design, it gives the jet that extra speed and maneuverability that we all love about them.

Last but not least we will talk about turbine ducted powered RC jets, which are as close as you can come to owning a real jet. Turbine ducted engines use real jet fuel and run just like a real jet engine does. For hobbyists who want the realistic jet flying experience, this type of R/C jet is for you. Of course, you need experience flying and operating remote control airplanes before you progress to turbine ducted jets.

The speeds of turbine engines are very fast and can actually turn your model jet into a lethal weapon if you can't fly it properly. This means that you could get seriously injured if you don't know what you are doing. So if you are going to get into remote control jets, start with a pusher, then progress to a ducted fan jet. After you have gained experience from those crafts, then you should move onto turbine ducted engines.

The next important thing to discuss is about RC jet maintenance and what you need to do too take care of your jet properly. You should always use a good, high quality, fuel that has the right amount of oil in it. Also, make sure turbine ducted engines have the proper fuel and air mixture going through its engine.

Another good maintenance tip is to keep your engine properly tuned if it is a fuel powered turbine jet, but if it is electric, just make sure that you keep it in a cool dry place so the motor will stay operational.

Remote control jets can be so fun sometimes that it is scary, but every flyer needs to always keep in mind that it can be dangerous if flown near people, because of the speed of them. Also, remember that jet engines, electric or gas, operate at very high speeds, so to much use in one flight can cause your engine or motor to overheat and fail.

Read more about RC jets on Michael's website. Plus, you can get more information on RC model airplanes by exploring the rest of his site.

If your interested in electric rc airplanes, you can vist my other blog.


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